O life on a farm is kinda laid back ain't much an old country boy like me can't hack! I have spent the last couple months doing something that I absolutely love! Harvest! haha There is just something that has always drawn me to agriculture, especially tractors, I don't know if it is because I grew up collecting the little ERTL toys with my father or the fact that I remember spending time in the tractor with him and in the truck with my mother or what, but I have always enjoyed being around it! I worked for M&M Farms which is partnered with Thompson Farms and I have become pretty good friends with them and they treat me very well! I pretty much did everything there from mechanic work to driving semi and the tractor. Because I went south to farm I was able to see my Grandpa hauling into the same places and that was always fun to be able to talk with him as we waited to unload.The weather was so good this year, we started a week late and ended a week early, which is great because now I get the chance to go hunting, something else I love and have not done since before my mission! I have never really wanted to farm however, the hours do get old and I do not want to have that part of the year spent that way forever. I have especially never wanted to farm with cows! I guess that is one lesson that I have learned from my dad and my aunts and uncles. My desire has always to be in agribussiness, being around the farms without actually having to do it. To ultimately do what I want, I need to go to school, something that I struggle doing and working up a desire for, the word may have gotten out already but I was turned down by USU and I know I said I would go to BYU-I if I didn't get in but it was mostly something to tell people as a backup because I never expected things to go the way they have, I have a very distinct hatred for Rexburg in general and to go to a school that I despise is hard for me to do. As for right now I don't know what I will do but I know that something will have to come together someday I just hope it is sooner then later.