WOW! What a week! Starting off with girls in bikinis ( can't get a better start then that haha) out on the water, I was able to go wakeboarding for the first time since before my mission and it was a blast if you haven't yet noticed it is my ultimate favorite thing to do. I was really rusty but still had a great time, did I mention there was girls in bikinis? The next night we decided to have a guys night out and went and saw Iron Man in the cheap theatre and you know what? I was really impressed with that movie I thought it would be lame but it was really good. On the 3rd of July Rigby holds there annual fireworks show out at the lake so my friend Ryan and I went about 3:00 to save spots for our friends, we set up a volleyball net and played sand v-ball and had a bar-b-que we ended up having about 15 people or so show up to play but to watch fireworks it was only a few of us, I had my cousin Kamille come and she had been talking to me about this girl that I should take out and I did some homework on facebook haha cause you all know how picky I am haha! anyways I determined that she was one of the hottest girls I have ever gone out with and not to toot my own horn, okay you talked me into it, I will, I have dated a lot of hotties! and I asked her to come too and we had a blast she was really easy to talk to and we saw fireworks! haha no literally we did! I think we clicked pretty good but we will see how it goes later I guess. then the Fourth rolls around I went to the annual Menan carnival and parade and was able to see some old friends that I don't see to much anymore. Wow! TWO days of fireworks this is awesome! I went to the Melaleuca celebration for the first time in years (it is usually to crowded and the traffic makes it no fun to go to) but I was talked into it and loved the show it is definately one of the best around. Another friend of mine then asked me to do a patriotic fireside for his singles branch and him knowing that I was heavily involved in scouting and performing asked me to help him. He asked me at around 12:00 a.m. and we were headed up to Island Park to the activity at 7:00 a.m. that same day so we went back to my house and prepared something pretty quick and I went. Throughout the day we went to Virginia city Montana and saw the old ghost town and spent the the day touring with the other singles we then came back to the cabin and had dinner. The firside went very well I talked about the reformation and our Heavenly Father preparing this land for the restoration and then sang a song I wrote called The Pledge of Allegiance as well as my favorite song God Bless the U.S.A. We closed the fireside and then chilled around a campfire and I played the guitar and sang when I got tired of that I turned the time over to someone else and it came right back to me so we changed pace a little and did an old Boy Scout fire like I did at Cedar Badge with annoying but awesome songs and skits and things like that, the girls had never been to one of those kind of fires and loved it we were just a couple of goofballs it was great! The next day we woke up and had church up there in Island Park in the woods, it felt like we were back in the old days of the pioneers being able to listen to sounds of nature while hearing someones testimony it was neat to see us all in that kind of setting. Man what a great week! did I mention there was girls in bikinis? haha


Shelby Nicole said…
NICE KJ! But It's a little unclear...did you enjoy the girls in bikinis or not? haha Glad you and Mal had a good time! She looks really pretty in that picture you have! Can't wait for this weekend (I hope it all works out). Anyways Im so glad you had a great fourth..and just for the did i!! :) haha
Bryan said…
Shelby, I don't think he "enjoyed" the girls in bikinis...I think he was as giddy about them as you seem to be about your weekend. Glad to hear that fireworks are going off in both of your lives and it has nothing to do with the 4th of July. That's one of the greatest posts I've read on these blogs. Sounds like you had a GREAT time. Keep the posts coming!
Jan said…
KJ we are glad you had fun this weekend! I know what you mean about being in the outdoors during a spiritual moment, those are some of my favorite moments in my life. your weekend sounds like ours, you are in 4 different places in one day! Keep the good times coming
Larry Bradley said…
WOW! That was fun to read. I must say that I am glad that fireworks are happening. I hope you both have a great time this weekend and can build on it. Thanks for sharing!
Kristen said…
Just for the record, were there any girls in bikinis? I wasn't sure if you had mentioned anything about that. I am glad you are partying and having a FANTABULOUS time! I love hearing about your life and I'm glad you are enjoying your girls in bikinis!
Lisa said…
You are awesome! I won't say anything about girls in bikinis or fireworks but I am happy that you are happy!!! Sure do love ya and keep up the posts! I love to hear about your life!!!!!

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