What is with our generation that we can’t be honest with others? Is it really so much better to avoid conflict rather than face it head on? Many of my latest dating experiences consist of Ghosting and lying and deceit. I don’t understand why it is so difficult to give someone some closure… When I am not interested in someone then I tell them… I don’t lead them on or make them feel like something could happen when I know I couldn’t. Granted I have “ghosted” some before, but only if nothing physical has happened and it’s only been 1-3 dates… I am not sure those types require an explanation as to why someone may not want to continue to pursue a relationship. However, if someone engages in sexual activity or has developed an emotional attachment, I believe it is only fair to allow the person being turned down some closure.
 Disappointment is part of becoming an adult. We are constantly having to face challenges. So why is it so difficult to allow someone to shut down their own feelings? We think that if we avoid conflict then it will just go away, but it doesn’t! it only makes matters worse and some potentially good friendships are ruined because people can’t be honest. If you have wronged someone in this way I would encourage you to make amends and give the person you’ve led on some closure. I promise that you will both feel better if it happens. Honesty really is the best policy. To those suffering from a broken heart or not being able to obtain closure, I wish you the best in your healing and encourage you to become your best self! Spend some time in the gym, go shopping, serve others, become the best version of yourself and do your best to move on and find someone new! There is more than one person for everyone… you just got to continue searching! Good Luck!


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